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At Valley Cryo, we offer a wide variety of relaxing therapy sessions that improve your health and wellness. The price list below includes individual sessions, and it includes packages that combine our most popular treatments.
To book your session, please call today. Same-day sessions are available for many of our services, so call now to book your spot.
*** Please note that ALL Package expire 1 year from the date of purchase. ***
Sessions expire one year from date of purchase. May share sessions with friends and family.
Sessions expire one year from date of purchase. May share sessions with friends and family.
Limit one session per day.
One 30 minute session.
Sessions expire one year from date of purchase. May share sessions with friends and family.
Sessions expire one year from date of purchase. May share sessions with friends and family.
50 minute session. Towels and shower included. Add halotherapy for an additional $10. 2 hour cancellation notice must be given. Second person in sauna at the same time $30.
Sessions expire one year from date of purchase. Requires a 2 hour notice to cancel session.
Sessions expire one year from date of purchase. Requires a 2 hour notice to cancel session.